Product Options

How do I customize the product options of multiple products at once?

Simply select the products whose swatches/buttons/dropdowns you'd like to configure and click on Bulk Edit Product Options.

How do I customize the product options of a specific product?

There are two ways:

1) You can click on the Product Options icon of the product and then click on the Edit button of the product option you'd like to customize

2) You can also click on the product, and then click on the Edit button of the product option you'd like to customize

I have the same color for different products and I want each swatch to be different. How is this done?

Simply edit the product options of each product individually by following the steps shown in the previous question.

How do I add an image to my buttons/dropdowns and change the image properties?

Scroll down and click on the Option Value you'd like to customize. Then, click on Add image. Once your image is uploaded, you'll be able to change the Image Size, Position, and Border Radius. Hit Save.

Under Border Settings, you'll also be able to add a double border to the image

How do I add text on swatches and change the color of the selected swatch?

Under the Swatch tab, select an Option Value and click on Edit. Then you'll be able to add the text and choose the colors to be shown when the option value is selected and unselected. If you would like to pass on this customization to the other options values, simply click on the Bulk Edit button and select what configurations you'd like to pass on to the other option values and then click Next. Once this is complete, simply select the option values you'd like the configuration to be passed on, followed by Apply.

How do I add tooltips, alerts & titles and set priorities for each?

Under Option Values, click on Edit Title/Subtitle/Alert of the option value you'd like to customize. To set priorities, you'll see that every time you click on Below or Above, there will be a number from 1 to 3.

  • 1 = this title/subtitle/alert will be shown as the closest to the option value

  • 2 = this title/subtitle/alert will be shown as the 2nd closest to the option value

  • 3 = this title/subtitle/alert will be shown as the 3rd closest to the option value

How do I add tooltips/alerts/titles to all option values at once?

Once you finished customizing a tooltip/alert/title, before clicking on Save, simply click on Bulk Edit. Then, select the settings you'd like to pass on to the other option values. Finally, select which option values you'd like the settings copied to and then click on Save.

How do I change "Out of stock" into other languages?

After clicking on App Settings and selecting the Product Options tab, simply insert the translation for "Out of stock." Hit Save.

Why have the most common option configurations been selected on when bulk editing?

When you bulk re-edit product options, Variant Wizard will select the most common configurations for both your options and option values. This is done because there's no easy way in the user interface (UI) to show options that have multiple configurations. For example, if one configures half their Small, Medium, and Large option values as dropdowns, and the other half as buttons, how will this be displayed within the UI without being too complex? Moreover, how will these options map back to products without a tedious user interface?

To mitigate Variant Wizard selecting the most common configurations, try to adapt your workflow to the use the following rules:

  1. If your options are styled differently across collections, bulk-edit (and re-edit) each collection separately. For example, if you have a pant and t-shirt collection where the colors differ between these two collections (e.g. your shirts are lipstick red and your pants are rose red) but have the same option value name of Red, bulk-edit the pants and t-shirts collections separately. When you re-edit the t-shirts and/or pants collection, the lipstick red and rose red colors will stay intact.

  2. If you are further configuring a particular product after it's been bulk edited, be sure not to select this product again when bulk-editing. For example, if I add an On Sale text above the Green Front Poncho Cape option after the options have been bulk-edited, do not bulk-edit Front Poncho Cape again. Doing so could (and probably will) reset the On Sale text.

Let us know at if you are having any problems with this system. We'll be more than happy to provide guidance with best-practices.

Creating a variant for Group Products As Swatches

In order to use Group Products as Swatches, a product must have at least one variant. Follow the instructions below to add a single variant to a product.

Add a single variant to a product

To add a single variant, click Products on the left hand side menu and then click on the product. Then, scroll down to the Options card and enable the This product has options, like size and or color. Finally, add one option name and one option value, followed by Save.

Last updated